Posts tagged Climate Emergency
The City Politics Podcast Episode 16 - The Climate Emergency and Civil Disobedience

On the 31st of October, world leaders converged on Glasgow for the UN Climate Change Conference, colloquially known as COP26. Here it is hoped that an agreement can be reached to help avert the worst effects of the climate crisis. However, given the history of soft targets and inaction on climate change there is air of scepticism that COP26 will live up to the moment.

Today we will give you the City view on the climate emergency and civil disobedience.

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Sometimes the most powerful act of resistance is to do nothing

I’ve written a short piece on the ethics of resisting injustice for Aeon. The idea for it came as I was walking through London during the Extinction Rebellion protests. It is a cause that I felt a lot of sympathy, but didn’t join the active protest. The question that this raised was what do I owe these people who are resisting injustice. The answer it turns out was a lot of nothing.

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